Programming for Children & Teens 

We offer children's programming free of charge on Sundays at Abington Monthly Meeting. Children's programming in Quaker meetings is typically called First Day School (in Quaker parlance, Sunday is First Day). At Abington Monthly Meeting, First Day School (FDS) is less religiously focused than you might find at a more traditional church or even other Quaker meetings. Our Meeting tends to focus on the Quaker testimonies and what it means to live the Quaker values. To register your child(ren) for First Day School or Childcare, please CLICK HERE.

The Family Programming Committee would like to remind families of youth programming during Meeting for Worship:
1st & 3rd Sundays: Children join parents/caregivers for the first 15 minutes, then will be invited to First Day School on the 2nd floor.
2nd Sundays: Children join parents/caregivers for the first 15 minutes, then will be invited to participate in an art activity in the Short Stable.
4th Sundays: Children go straight to sandwich making in the Short Stable, a community-wide activity for all to join!

CLICK HERE for a full list of upcoming family programming. This list of events will be updated as programming gets created and added, so please check back. The Committee will also notify parents/caregivers of any changes and updates via email.

Children are also always welcome to remain in meeting for worship with their adults. We offer a children's corner inside the meetinghouse where children may wish to sit with some quiet activities. Look for the rocking chair and quilts. 

Children too young to join First Day School (i.e. younger than kindergarten) are welcome to participate in our Childcare Program. We offer weekly childcare throughout the entire year; childcare is offered in our childcare room September through May, and outdoors on the playground close to the Meetinghouse during the Summer months. If you are interested in registering your child(ren) for the Childcare Program at Abington Monthly Meeting, please CLICK HERE

Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Abington Friends Meeting? 

All are welcome to attend Meeting for Worship at Abington Friends Meeting!  

Our official name is: Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. We are called "monthly" because we meet once a month to attend to business, but we have meeting for worship every Sunday. 

Indoor Meeting for Worship
10:00 AM until 11:00 AM

First Day School (Adult Class)
Occasional Sundays, September – May
11:15 AM. All ages welcome.
First Day School consists of talks and activities that provide a Quaker perspective on the issues and challenges of everyday life. 

First Day School (Children and Teens)
All Sundays, September - May
10:15 AM
Activities are offered for high schoolers, middle schoolers, and elementary school children. Click Here to register.

Outdoor Meeting for Worship
Every Sunday, mid-June - Labor Day (weather permitting)
10:00 AM until 11:00 AM (happening at the same time as indoor Meeting for Worship)
In addition to our normal indoor Meeting for Worship, we hold optional outdoor Meetings behind the Meeting House during the summer.

Childcare for children up to age six is available on the second floor of the Meeting House, at the end of the building and to your left. 

Members and attenders park on the right side of the driveway leading up to the Meeting House (accessible from Greenwood Avenue) or in the parking lot on the west side of the Meeting House (accessible from Meetinghouse Road). Please note that our meetinghouse driveways are one-way, so vehicles must enter from Greenwood Avenue. 

As you enter the Meetinghouse, which is what we call our place of worship, the room where the Meeting gathers will be the first door on your right. The John Barnes Room, which is where we meet for adult classes, special events, or business, will be the first door on your left.

Meeting Etiquette
Because Quakers worship in silence, please lower your voice when approaching the Meeting House before Meeting for Worship. Likewise, please silence your cellphone.

There is no pastor or minister. Instead, attenders rise and speak when the Spirit moves them, generally keep their comments brief and of a spiritual, heartfelt nature, and allow ample time for others to reflect on what has been said before rising to speak. Statements often have a common thread; however, this is not a requirement. 

Please browse around this website for other important information!