Upcoming Events


March 23

Adult Class at 11:15 AM: Getting to know AMM Committees
This class will feature our second panel of members from AMM’s committees who will share about the charge of their respective committees. For this panel, we plan to feature panel members from Care of Members, Worship and Ministry, AMM Trustees, School Committee and Finance. This will be in-person in the Barnes room. 

March 30

Adult Class at 11:15 AM - Listening in Tongues: Internal Responses to Uncomfortable Ministry 
Most of us at some point have found ourselves troubled by vocal ministry, perhaps either by the giver of the message or from the content of the message. How do we respond internally to those messages which are difficult to hear, or perhaps even triggering?
This will be an opportunity to hear from one another about tools for staying centered and examining our own biases and triggers when we hear an uncomfortable message, and the potential for transformation.
Here is one Quaker's explanation of "Listening in Tongues"/listening beyond words for "where the words come from": https://goodnewsassociates.org/listening-in-tongues/

Bake Sale at 11:00 AM
Our Youth Committee and Young Friends welcome you to support Cradles to Crayons by stopping by the John Barnes Room at the Rise of Meeting for Worship on March 30. We will have delicious baked goods (including allergen and gluten free options) that you may purchase with money OR a donation of new art supplies (e.g. a box of crayons, a box of markers, etc.). 

Sundays at Seven
Sundays @7 2025


April 5

Friendly 8’s Potluck for Families with Middle School Students
Saturday, April 5, 5 – 8 p.m.
John Barnes Room
Have ‘tweens? Join us for a “Friendly 8’s” potluck for families with middle school students to connect and make new friends. Kids are invited to make cookies in the Short Stable with Ashley Slaff at 5pm while the adults chat and prepare for dinner. Dinner followed by fresh cookies, games, and hanging out.
All siblings welcome. Hosted by Michelle Flint, Francis Morgan, and Kian Morgan (age 12). 
Please RSVP by April 1 to Michelle.

April 6

Adult Class at 11:15 AM: Introduction to the John Barnes Trustees
This program will introduce the trustees, discuss roles of a trustee and what is means to have a fiduciary capacity in the administration of a trust. It will also provide a historical perspective of the John Barnes and the John Barnes Trust.Lastly w,e’ll discuss our role with the graveyard.

April 12

Day of Service
Please mark your calendar now and plan to come to Abington Meeting on Saturday, April 12 to lend a hand! Our Property Committee will lead Friends in tasks around the buildings and property to clean up and prepare our beloved meetinghouse for spring. No experience necessary - just a willingness to help! We will gather on the porch at 9 AM and conclude by noon. Please join us!

April 13

Meeting for Worship to Attend to Business
When our Abington Friends Meeting community gathers to attend to business once a month, we encourage ALL in our community, including newcomers as well as the youth and children in the Meeting, to join us. You are welcome and wanted in our monthly meeting for worship to attend to business! When this community sits to worshipfully discern (without voting) what we should do in matters of business, budget, maintenance and other matters as a congregation, we do so in transparency and with the participation of ALL in our community. Attending is the best way to fully understand the good work of this Meeting. We work together to reach unity, and we welcome your voice. Please remember that the Quaker custom is to speak only once on a specific matter, and then to listen attentively to others who may speak to the same topic. Our clerk facilitates the discussion and holds the space, along with the person designated as our spiritual anchor, until the Meeting community reaches unity. Please join us on April 13 at 11:30 AM in the meetinghouse or on Zoom. Our Hospitality Committee will host a coffee break prior to meeting for business. Please join us!

April 26

Intergenerational Game Night
Please join the Family Programming Committee and the Youth Committee on Saturday, April 26 from 5 to 7 PM for an evening of casual game-night fun!  We will be serving pizza, refreshments, and sweets! We will have games for all ages set up in the John Barnes Room, but feel free to bring your favorite game along too!  We are asking Friends to bring a donation for the food pantry (personal hygiene products are especially needed) or new art supplies for Cradles to Crayons.
 We hope to see everyone there!

April 27

Adult Class at 11:15 AM Intergenerational Class - Seed Planting
In honor of spring and in the spirit of growth, join us for an intergenerational seed-planting activity. All ages are welcome! Decorate a pot, plant seeds, and bring home a small container that is full of possibilities!

May 18

Adult Class at 11:15 AM:  Community Gathering and Potluck Lunch
Please join us for the final Adult Education class of the term, in which we will gather in community as a way to grow, nourish and connect to ourselves and each other. (This is also the final day for children's programming for the academic year.) The class will be followed by a potluck luncheon to continue our connection and fellowship. We welcome you to sign up here to bring a dish to the potluck.

Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Abington Friends Meeting? 

All are welcome to attend Meeting for Worship at Abington Friends Meeting!  

Our official name is: Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. We are called "monthly" because we meet once a month to attend to business, but we have meeting for worship every Sunday. 

Indoor Meeting for Worship
10:00 AM until 11:00 AM

First Day School (Adult Class)
Occasional Sundays, September – May
11:15 AM. All ages welcome.
First Day School consists of talks and activities that provide a Quaker perspective on the issues and challenges of everyday life. 

First Day School (Children and Teens)
All Sundays, September - May
10:15 AM
Activities are offered for high schoolers, middle schoolers, and elementary school children. Click Here to register.

Outdoor Meeting for Worship
Every Sunday, mid-June - Labor Day (weather permitting)
10:00 AM until 11:00 AM (happening at the same time as indoor Meeting for Worship)
In addition to our normal indoor Meeting for Worship, we hold optional outdoor Meetings behind the Meeting House during the summer.

Childcare for children up to age six is available on the second floor of the Meeting House, at the end of the building and to your left. 

Members and attenders park on the right side of the driveway leading up to the Meeting House (accessible from Greenwood Avenue) or in the parking lot on the west side of the Meeting House (accessible from Meetinghouse Road). Please note that our meetinghouse driveways are one-way, so vehicles must enter from Greenwood Avenue. 

As you enter the Meetinghouse, which is what we call our place of worship, the room where the Meeting gathers will be the first door on your right. The John Barnes Room, which is where we meet for adult classes, special events, or business, will be the first door on your left.

Meeting Etiquette
Because Quakers worship in silence, please lower your voice when approaching the Meeting House before Meeting for Worship. Likewise, please silence your cellphone.

There is no pastor or minister. Instead, attenders rise and speak when the Spirit moves them, generally keep their comments brief and of a spiritual, heartfelt nature, and allow ample time for others to reflect on what has been said before rising to speak. Statements often have a common thread; however, this is not a requirement. 

Please browse around this website for other important information!